The PetStaurant
The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation
Sherman Oaks, CA.
Founder, Marc Ching:
Clyde #13
"Let me lead you out of darkness...
Founder, Marc Ching:
Clyde #13
My name is Clyde,
I am from a torture chamber in Tangshan China. I had
a brother that died in emergency from dismemberment, and a sister that was
boiled alive.
While hospitalized, I almost died from a parvo
outbreak in the vet due to the poor care of my administering hospital. My
journey and the great lengths I pushed through to survive and make it to
America - unspeakable.
I am a torture chamber survivor.
From a place so dark that after witnessing the ways
dogs like me are tormented, Marc's translator became suicidal trying to take
his own life. In my short time here on Earth, I have lived both day and night
with my flesh muffled in the screams of those that stood tortured before me.
Today was a victory for the man I call my savior.
Today was a victory for the man who risked his life to pull from the red sea
beneath, to pull from a place where once a dog enters, they never leave.
I am an American now. A holocaust survivor. And just
being able to hold those words deep inside me. Just being able to breathe free
air has become this immense sigh of relief. I cannot tell you how grateful I am
to be in this country.
I am in a land where a dog like me has a future.
Where my story and the place my feet have pressed upon - that I will become a
voice to all those who lost their life before me.
My name is Clyde, and I am an Animal Hope and
Wellness Foundation miracle. Yesterday when Marc held me in his arms. Yesterday
when Marc pulled my flesh close to his crumbling heart - tears pushed through
the pores of his skin in the same way that his soul had been stolen.
The only difference this time, each droplet was a
poem that fell off me from the sky. A thousand silent words - signifying a
thousand dying cries. The words breathed into me at the moment of my
liberation, they will forever be a part of me.
Rescued Dec. 2015 from a Dog Meat Slaughterhouse in
Tangshan China - Marc Ching from The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation saved
Clyde and over 200 other dogs like him from near death situations.
With the help of Shannon Keith from ARME, Clyde
landed at Los Angeles International Airport yesterday, one of eleven dogs that
became Americans.