Thursday, May 16, 2024


Since the loss of my 19.5 year old Poodle, Sunday in 2022, I always knew about high kill shelters, the education of Best Friends, and the horrors of the China dogmeat market. 

Becoming entrenched looking for another Love, companion, family member, via City & County Shelters---my heart was ripped apart with each matted mane, eyes of sadness, hopelessness,  throughout every breed imaginable, but most visably in Poodles with neglected coats. I felt so helpless, I realized the self torment of witnessing the abuse by human hands needed another outlet. And so I begged and pray. 

The amount of dogs throughout California alone is monumental for one person. There needs to be a Divine Intervention to mend the broken spirits & souls in these bodies of fur. Asking with their eyes of purity & emotion: 

"Why have you forsakened me, was I a bad boy, was I a mean girl, wasn't I quiet enough, did I eat too much? If so, please forgive me, I'm sorry, I only want to love you, sit by your feet, and bask in the sun with you till my twilight."

The human race has within it the selfishness, anger, hostility, and ultimate cruelty to destroy an animals hope, love and Soul---without guilt or remorse.

And so we, the advocates, the lovers of dogs, cats and their nature; in domesticated animals, the dog suffers the most. 

It renders us powerless to do it alone. But as a combined force we can right the wrongs, correct the injustices, and with a hand of compassion, and a heart of love----heal the damages inflicted upon the tender, unconditional Souls we call The Dog.

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